Summer School in Catania 2024

From July 1 - 5, 2024, the University of Catania is organizing "Multifunctional Materials and Sustainability" course, as a Blended Intensive Program under the Erasmus+ program.  for 3 ECTS credits. The course will consist of two parts: virtual and onsite. It is worth 3 ECTS.

The offer is aimed at students of the Doctoral School.

The deadline for applications at PUT is 20.05.2024.

Details of the course can be found in the document attached below.

The condition for participation in the course is the approval of the Doctoral School.

Eligibility for the course will be based on the average for the last semester. Those who are members of the Eunice Student Organization and those who have not participated in any mobility before will receive additional points. In case of the same number of points, the order of application will count.

Complete documents:
- Application form
- Certificate of average for the previous semester from the Secretariat of the Doctoral School
- Certificate of English language proficiency (official language certificate/certificate of foreign language exam grade, other).

should be submitted by May 20, 2024 to the European University Office (BL / pink building, room 141B) or by email: eunice.admissions[at]

ELIGIBLE PERSONS will be required to prepare a set of documents for a short-term trip, required under the Erasmus+ program. Documents and scholarship rates can be found at: here