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Bio-Inspired Chemistry – Summer School

EUNICE Excellence Programme in Bio-Inspired Chemistry – a Summer School at the University of Mons

From 16 to 20 September 2024, three students of the second cycle of Chemical Technology, Alicja Przybylska, Natalia Ścigacz and Ziemowit Wołczyński, together with colleagues from Catania and Mons, participated in a Summer School in Mons organised as part of the annual EUNICE Excellence Programme in Bio-Inspired Chemistry. During the Summer School, the students attended lectures and workshops given not only by the representatives of the Faculty of Chemical Technology (FCT), Katarzyna Dopierała, Beata Strzemiecka and Marta Woźniak-Karczewska, but also by academic staff from the University of Mons, the University of Catania and special guests prof. Amaia Cipitria from the Ikerbasque University (Spain) and prof. Pascal Jonkheijm from the University of Twente (the Netherlands). The participants of the School, together with delegations from the nine EUNICE partner universities, attended the inauguration ceremony of the academic year at the University of Mons.

The Summer School marked the first edition of the programme, which aims to enhance knowledge and skills in a multidisciplinary field combining the areas of biochemistry, biomaterials, supramolecular systems, macromolecules, nanomedicine, molecular self-organisation and nanoscience, as well as networking in the international scientific community. We would like to thank the organisers of the summer school in Mons, in particular professors Sylvain Gabrielle, Mathieu Surin and Rony Snyders, for their professional organization, excellent coordination, and exceptional hospitality. Thanks to their efforts, this meeting became an inspiring platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences between students and experts from various parts of Europe, and also contributed to the creation of fruitful scientific and cultural ties.

We are already inviting WTCh students to the next edition. The recruitment of students for the second edition of the EUNICE Excellence Programme Bio-Inspired Chemistry Programme will take place in March 2025.

Summer School MONS