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ESAB Meeting in Mons

In a move to integrate student voices into the fabric of higher education, the EUNICE European University hosted its pivotal EUNICE Student Advisory Board (ESAB) meeting at UNiversity of Mons (Belgium) from 20 to 21 of March. This gathering was not just another academic assembly; it was a testament to EUNICE’s commitment to making education a collaborative journey between students and educators.

A Fusion of Minds and Ideas

The meeting kicked off with a warm-up session designed to break the ice among participants to foster genuine connections and led the way to some interesting discussions about local student organizations, student community and popular campus initiatives.

The morning progressed with a comprehensive introduction to EUNICE, detailing its structure and responsibilities, and culminated in a meeting with the UMONS Rector, Prof. Philippe Dubois.

The agenda then shifted to a rigorous brainstorming session. Here, students were tasked with drafting a document that will shape the future of student involvement in EUNICE. Topics ranged from recruitment strategies and defining roles within student organisations to the appointment of key positions and the establishment of meeting frameworks.

During this session, the board appointed four representatives:

  • Coordinators : Angela Maria Garcia Arraiz (UC) and Thomas Bourgois (UPHF).
  • Vice-coordinators: Maja Mackowiak (PUT) and Chistophoros Kefallonitis (UOP)

This session was not just about generating ideas; it was about laying the groundwork for actionable plans that will enhance the EUNICE educational experience.

Beyond the Classroom

The following day, the focus shifted towards exploring innovative formats for student-rector exchanges and designing activities targeted for students. The agenda included designing summer camps and proposing activities for 2024, blending academic pursuits with cultural and sporting events. This holistic approach underscores EUNICE’s vision of education as a multifaceted experience that extends beyond the confines of the classroom.

The Student Advisory Board: A Pillar of Participation

At the heart of these discussions is the Student Advisory Board (SAB), a dynamic entity comprising around 20 students from across the EUNICE consortium. Reflecting gender diversity and a wide range of perspectives, the SAB is instrumental in ensuring that student voices are heard and valued in the decision-making process. From providing input on educational initiatives to participating in formative evaluations, the SAB is at the forefront of creating a more inclusive and responsive educational environment.

” We are excited to be here and to share ideas about the future of education in Europe” – Alina Järvipetäjä and Sofié Leikkilä (ESAB representatives from the University of Vaasa (Finland).

Looking Ahead

As the EUNICE Student Advisory Board meeting draws to a close, it’s clear that this is just the beginning of a broader journey towards creating a more interconnected and student-centred European educational landscape. Through the collaborative efforts of students, educators, and administrators, EUNICE is paving the way for a future where education is not just communicated but lived and experienced by all its stakeholders.

